Electromagnetic field quantization in absorbing dielectrics

The electromagnetic field is quantized in dielectric media that show both loss and dispersion. The complex dielectric function of the medium is assumed to be a known function and the loss is modeled by Langevin forces in the forms of noise current operators. The noise current correlation function is related to the assumed dielectric function by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Field quantization is carried out for the infinite homogeneous dielectric, the semi-infinite dielectric, and the dielectric slab, where the fields in the second and third cases are restricted to propagation perpendicular to the dielectric surfaces. The forms of the vector potential operator are obtained in the different spatial regions for all three geometries, and in each case the required canonical commutation relation for the vector potential and its conjugate generalized momentum operator is verified. The spatial dependence of the vacuum field fluctuations is calculated for the two dielectric geometries that have surfaces.

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