The Human Dorsal Premotor Cortex Generates On-Line Error Corrections during Sensorimotor Adaptation

A number of different sites in the human brain have been shown to play a role in sensorimotor adaptation. However, the specific role played by each of these structures in the learning process is poorly understood. In the present study, the contribution of the dorsal aspect of the premotor cortex was examined by disrupting activity at this site using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) while subjects wearing prism goggles pointed at visual targets. This manipulation slowed down the rate of adaptation when vision of the hand was available throughout the movement and reduced the presence of on-line trajectory corrections. This was accompanied by a reduced shift in the felt position of the arm. In contrast, TMS did not cause any alteration in the performance of this task when vision of the hand was available only at the end of the movement. Thus, we infer from this pattern of results that the human dorsal premotor cortex contributes to the generation of the visually based on-line error corrections that are responsible for the remapping of arm position sense underlying sensorimotor adaptation.