Long-acting delivery systems for peptides: inhibition of rat prostate tumors by controlled release of [D-Trp6]luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone from injectable microcapsules.

I.m. injection of [6-D-tryptophan]-LHRH ([D-Trp6]LH RH) in microcapsules of poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide), designed to release a controlled dose of the peptide over a 30-day period, decreased the weights of androgen-dependent Dunning prostate tumors in rats and suppressed serum testosterone levels more effectively than daily s.c. administration of equivalent or double doses of unencapsulated [D-Trp6]LH RH. The microcapsules or daily injections of [D-Trp6]LH RH also significantly decreased tumor volumes. Microcapsules of [D-Trp6]LH RH or related analogs that can be injected once a mo. should make the treatment of patients with prostate carcinoma and other neoplasms or disorders more convenient and efficacious.