Concerns About Pain Management Among Adolescents With Cancer: Developing the Adolescent Barriers Questionnaire

Investigators have examined barriers to pain management in adults with cancer, but these patient-related barriers have rarely been studied in adolescents. This article summarizes 2 studies used in the development and initial psychometric testing of the Adolescent Barriers Questionnaire (ABQ). Building on the Barriers Questionnaire-II, the ABQ is designed to measure the extent to which adolescents with cancer have concerns about reporting pain and using analgesics. Study 1 was a qualitative study investigating pain management concerns of 5 adolescents with cancer. Concerns emerged that could potentially impede pain management such as fear of addiction and worry about communicating pain to parents and providers. Each of the adolescents revealed at least 1 concern about pain management or held fatalistic beliefs that cancer pain cannot be relieved. In study 2, content validity of the preliminary ABQ (52 items assessing 13 barrier sub-scales) was assessed by 2 panels, adolescents with cancer and clinicians. Based on results, the ABQ was modified to contain 45 items that assess 11 barriers. Further examination of barriers in adolescents with cancer is warranted.