Allophycocyanin I and the 95 Kilodalton Polypeptide

Allophycocyanin was isolated from dissociated phycobilisomes from Nostoc sp. and was separated into allophycocyanin I, II, III, and B as described elsewhere. If the separation of the proteins following phycobilisome isolation is done in the presence of the protease inhibitor, phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride, associated with allophycocyanin I are two colored polypeptides of 95 kilodalton (kD) and 80 kD, belonging to the class of Group I polypeptides as defined by Tandeau de Marsac and Cohen-Bazire (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1977 74: 1635-1639). Allophycocyanin I has a fluorescence maximum of 680 nanometers as do intact phycobilisomes and has thus been suggested to be the final emitter of excitation energy in phycobilisomes. Thylakoid membranes washed in low ionic strength buffer containing phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride lose all biliproteins, but retain the 95 kD and 80 kD polypeptides. As suggested by Tandeau de Marsac and Cohen-Bazire, these are likely to be the polypeptides involved in binding the phycobilisome to the membrane. As these polypeptides are isolated with allophycocyanin I, structural evidence is provided for placing allophycocyanin I as the bridge between the phycobilisome and the membrane. These Group I polypeptides and the 29 kD polypeptide (involved in rod attachment to the APC core) are particularly susceptible to proteolytic breakdown. It is thought that in vivo the active protease may be selectively attacking these polypeptides to detach the phycobilisome from the membrane and release the phycoerythrin and phycocyanin containing rods from the allophycocyanin core for greater susceptibility of the biliproteins to protease attack.