Numerical Model for Local Scour under Offshore Pipelines

A numerical model, based on potential-flow theory is proposed for simulating the equilibrium scour hole formed by unidirectional flow underneath offshore pipelines. The model employs a finite-difference method to solve the Laplace equation in terms of velocity potential in a curvilinear coordinate system. A boundary adjustment technique based on the Newton-Raphson method is used to calculate the free boundary formed by the eroded seabed by means of the equilibrium of all forces acting on a sediment particle on a sloping bed. Because the solution of flow field and adjustment of the seabed topography are carried out in an iterative manner, the model takes into account the interactions between the flow, pipe, and the seabed. The comparison of the present model with empirical formulas on the prediction of the maximum scour depth indicates that the present model is useful for approximate estimation of scour depth at a pipeline on the seabed for the case of clear-water scour.