Protein and RNA contents in muscle of normal and hereditary dystrophic mice C57BL/6J—dy/dy were reexamined on the basis of DNA. It was observed that protein and RNA contents in dystrophic muscle decreased at the early stage of the disease, in disagreement with the reported results on a wet weight basis, in which RNA content in dystrophic muscle had been found to increase. Rates of protein and RNA synthesis in the early stage of the disease were also determined with a concomitant check of the specific activities of free amino acids and free nucleotides. The rates of both protein and RNA synthesis (i.e., specific activities of protein and RNA) were higher in the dystrophic muscle, but when they were expressed on a DNA basis, the total protein synthesis per cell was the same as that of normal muscle and the total RNA synthesis per cell showed a smaller increase in dystrophic muscle. These apparent increases of protein and RNA synthesis were discussed in connection with the decreased protein and RNA contents in the cells of dystrophic muscle. The synthesized RNAs seemed to contain mRNA on the basis of sedimentation character and Millipore filter binding ability. However, no particular RNA was mainly synthesized in dystrophic muscle.