Isotope shift in the neon ground state by extreme-ultraviolet laser spectroscopy at 74 nm

Narrow-band extreme-ultraviolet (xuv) radiation in the range 73.5–75.5 nm has been produced in Xe by generating the third harmonic of light from a frequency-doubled, pulsed blue-dye laser. In a one-xuv-photon plus one-uv-photon ionization process both 2p62p53s[3/2]1 and 2p62p53s’[1/2]1 transitions in Ne20 and Ne22 were observed. Frequencies were calibrated using a tellurium absorption spectrum of the fundamental blue light. Frequencies of 134 459.33(5) cm1 for the 2p62p53s[3/2]1 and 135 888.73(5) cm1 for the 2p6-2p53s’[1/2]1 transition in Ne20 are obtained. In both transitions the isotope shift (20Ne22Ne) was measured. The values are -0.014(3) cm1 and +0.003(3) cm1, respectively. Combined with existing values for the 3s[3/2]1 and 3s’[1/2]1 level shifts, a value for the ground-state specific mass shift of 9.54(15) GHz is deduced, in good agreement with a theoretical value of 10.1 GHz.