Summary: A suite of Tertiary alkaline porphyritic microgranites and hybrid and peralkaline granite from northwest Pakistan is described, with six rock analyses (five of them new). The microgranites, an earlier group of which some contain garnet, have undergone metamorphism, lacking in the granites. The microgranites are shown to be precisely similar to those from the Shewa–Shahbazgarhi area, for which four analyses (two of them new) are presented, and related to a third group from Tarbela. The mineralogy of the rocks is discussed, with seven new analyses of aegirine, riebeckite, ferrohastingsite and astrophyllite, and X-ray determinations of the feldspar compositions. The granites are considered to be related to the undersaturated syenites and associated rocks of Koga, and a petrogenetic scheme for the alkaline province is presented, with a K/Ar age determination, tentatively deriving the source magma (quartz trachytic) from a Himalayan tholeiite.