Sequelae of Accidental Near-drowning in Childhood

Patients admitted to hospital because of near-drownings were followed-up 2–7 years after the admissions. The material comprises 36 children and 15 adults, which is the total number of patients cared for because of accidental near-drownings within the Uppsala Hospital Region 1964–1968. The region contains one-sixth of Sweden's population. Hospital records were examined and parents of the children were interviewed by telephone. Two seriously disabled cases were found. The annual figure for severely and permanently disabled children, injured by near-drownings, is estimated at 2 or 3 for all Sweden. The corresponding point prevalence is estimated to be anything between 50 and 120 patients; this too concerns patients disabled as children. The incidence of children with non-fatal of permanent organic brain injuries due to accidental near-drowning is small compared with the corresponding mortality. Maybe the small probability of being saved within the short time required for this final result is a suitable explanation.