1 Activation of pre-junctional alpha-adrenoceptors at the skeletal neuromuscular junction enhances acetylcholine release whereas activation of such receptors at autonomic nerve endings inhibits transmitter output. In the present study the characteristics of pre-junctional alpha-adrenoceptors at motor nerve terminals have been compared with post-junctional (vascular) alpha-adrenoceptors in the cat hind limb.2 Reversal of partial (+)-tubocurarine blockade of contractions of the tibialis anterior muscle was used to monitor pre-junctional activity and increases in hindlimb vascular resistance to assess post-junctional actions at alpha-adrenoceptors.3 Responses to intra-arterial injections of noradrenaline, adrenaline, phenylephrine, oxymetazoline, methoxamine and clonidine were monitored. Dose-response lines for all the compounds except clonidine were parallel. The latter agent produced only weak and inconsistent effects.4 Ratios of the doses of the agents required to produce pre- and post-junctional effects indicated that oxymetazoline and adrenaline possessed some preferential activity at post-junctional sites, whereas the remaining agents were non-selective in their actions. If dose-ratios with respect to noradrenaline were compared at the two sites none of the compounds possessed a marked degree of selectivity.5 In the presence of phentolamine or tolazoline, dose-response curves to the pre- and post-junctional effects of phenylephrine were shifted to a similar extent. Thymoxamine showed preferential activity as a pre-junctional alpha-receptor antagonist.6 In comparing the results of this study with those of other authors, it is apparent that there are marked differences in the characteristics of pre-junctional alpha-receptors at the skeletal neuromuscular junction and at autonomic nerve endings. The pre- and post-junctional alpha-receptors in skeletal muscle show less divergence.