Apple ermine moth,Yponomeuta malinellus Zeller Two components of female sex pheromone gland highly effective in field trapping tests

When electroantennographic responses of maleYponomeuta malinellus Zeller to model compounds were determined at dosages of 0.3–30 ng, the strongest responses were obtained from (Z)-9-dodecen-1-ol acetate (Z9–12∶Ac). Also, strong responses were obtained from (Z)-11-tetradecenal (Z11–14∶A1) and (Z)-11-tetradecen-1-ol (Zl1–14∶OH). At a dosage of 0.3 ng,Z11–14∶A1 produced a stronger response thanZ11–14∶OH, while at a dosage of 30 ng,Z11–14∶OH andZ11–14∶A1 produced equal responses. Gas chromatographic and mass spectral analysis of extracts of female sex pheromone glands showed the presence ofZ9–12∶Ac, tetradecan-1-ol (14∶OH), (E)-11-tetradecen-1-ol (E11–14∶OH),Z11–14∶OH, hexadecan-1-ol, and hexadecan-1-ol acetate in a ratio of 0.6∶200∶37∶100∶140∶35. In field tests,Z9–12∶Ac andZ11–14∶OH together were required for trap catch, and addition ofZ11–14∶A1,E11–14∶OH, 14∶OH, or (Z)-11-tetradecen-1-ol acetate did not increase catch. Ratios in rubber septa of 0.5∶99.5 to 1.5∶98.5 (Z9–12∶ Ac/Z11–14∶OH) captured the most males and captures were statistically equivalent for dosages of 10–1000 μg/rubber septum. Traps baited with the synthetic lure produced better catches than those baited with females.