Experimental Aspects of Partitioning Tracer Tests for Residual Oil Saturation Determination With FIA-Based Laboratory Equipment

Summary: Partitioning tracer tests are used to determine residual oil saturation (ROS). At Koninklijke/Shell Laboratorium, Amsterdam, laboratory equipment based on the flow injection analysis (FIA) method has been constructed for rapid (within 2 hours) and accurate (better than 8%) determination of the equilibrium partition coefficient of tracers between crude oil and brine under simulated reservoir conditions. The apparatus makes possible investigation of the influence of all relevant parameters on the partition coefficient: tracer type and concentration, crude oil type, pressure (up to 34 MPa [4, 930 psi]), GOR's, temperature (up to 150°C [302°F]), and brine salinity. The FIA equipment has been critically evaluated with model compounds. Its versatility has been verified with experimental results obtained on dead and live crudes.