Measuring photon numbers in a cavity by atomic interferometry: optimizing the convergence procedure

We describe the optimum detection procedure to follow in order to measure by atomic interferometry the number of photons present in a cavity by using a Quantum nondemolition scheme. The method we discuss is the one recently introduced by Brune et al. [1, 2], in which the field intensity is detected by recording atomic interferences in a Ramsey type set up. A succession of two-level atoms interacts with the cavity field which is the analog of a birefringent retarding plate for the atomic wave function. The information is acquired in the form of binary digits (atoms detected in one level or the other). We discuss an optimal strategy which yields the value of the photon number with a number of atoms of the order of the base 2 logarithm of the field photon number dispersion. The procedure described here is the one we intend to use in an experiment in preparation

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