Lattice study of semileptonicBdecays:B¯→Dlν¯ decays

We present a study of semileptonic B¯→Dlν¯ decays in quenched lattice QCD through a calculation of the matrix element 〈Dc¯γμbB¯〉 on a 243×48 lattice at β=6.2, using an O(a)-improved fermion action. We perform the calculation for several values of the initial and final heavy-quark masses around the charm mass, and three values of the light-(anti)quark mass around the strange mass. Because the charm quark has a bare mass which is almost 1/3 the inverse lattice spacing, we study the ensuing mass-dependent discretization errors, and propose a procedure for subtracting at least some of them nonperturbatively. We extract the form factors h+ and h. After radiative corrections, we find that h+ displays no dependence on the heavy-quark mass, enabling us to identify it with an Isgur-Wise function ξ. Interpolating the light-quark mass to that of the strange, we obtain an Isgur-Wise function relevant for B¯sDs(*)lν¯ decays which has a slope -ξs=1.22+2 (stat)1+2 (syst) at zero recoil. An extrapolation to a massless light quark enables us to obtain an Isgur-Wise function relevant for B¯→D(*)lν¯ decays. This function has a slope -ξu, d=0.93+2 (stat)2+4 (syst) at zero recoil. We observe a slight decrease in the magnitude of the central value of the slope as the mass of the light quark is reduced; given the errors, however, the significance of this observation is limited.
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