Ontogenesis of the scapula in marsupial mammals, with special emphasis on perinatal stages of didelphids and remarks on the origin of the therian scapula

The development of the scapula was studied in embryonic and postnatal specimens of Monodelphis domestica and perinatal specimens of Philander opossum, Caluromys philander, and Sminthopsis virginiae using histological sections and 3D reconstructions. Additionally, macerated skeletons of postnatal M. domestica were examined. This study focused on the detachment of the scapulocoracoid from the sternum and on the acquisition of a supraspinous fossa, a supraspinatus muscle, and a scapular spine, all these events associated with the origin of the therian shoulder girdle. In none of the specimens is there a continuity of the cartilaginous scapulocoracoid with the sternum, even though the structures are in close proximity, especially in S. virginiae. At birth, the first rib laterally presents a pronounced boss that probably contacts the humerus during certain movements. Only the acromial portion of the scapular spine, which originates from the anterior margin of the scapular blade, is preformed in cartilage. The other portion is formed by appositional bone (“Zuwachsknochen”), which expands from the perichondral ossification of the scapula into an intermuscular aponeurosis between the supra‐ and infraspinous muscles. This intermuscular aponeurosis inserts more or less in the middle of the lateral surface of the developing scapula. Thus, the floor of the supraspinous fossa is present from the beginning of scapular development, simultaneously with the infraspinous fossa. The homology of the therian spine with the anterior border of the sauropsid and monotreme scapula is questioned. We consider the dorsal portion (as opposed to the ventral or acromial portion) of the scapular spine a neomorphic structure of therian mammals. J. Morphol. 258:115–129, 2003.