Monoclonal antibodies raised against the Halle strain of measles virus were tested for their strain specificity using other measles virus isolates (Edmonston, Leningrad, Lec and 2 fresh isolates , JT and Fasquelle). Monoclonal antibodies to L, HA and NP polypeptides, with 1 exception, reacted with all the measles virus strains tested; antibody from hybrid lines 25 failed to react with the NP polypeptide of JT virus by immunofluorescence or radioimmunoprecipitation. Three other monoclonal antibodies, 2 reacting with NP and 1 with HA, although giving a positive immunofluorescence reaction, did not immunoprecipitate labeled antigen from JT virus-infected [African green monkey kidney BGM] cells. The immunological relationship of canine distemper and measles viruses was also investigated with monoclonal antibodies. Two of 3 anti-NP and 3 of 4 anti-HA monoclonal antibodies reacted with canine distemper virus in an immunofluorescence reaction but only 1 (anti-NP) reacted in a radioimmunoprecipitation test.