Imipenem—cilastatin in the treatment of respiratory infections in patients with chronic airways obstruction

Chest infections with organisms resistant to conventional antibiotics are common in patientswithchroniclungdise.We have studied the use of imipenem in 40(28 M 12 F) patients admitted for treatment of chest infections. Patients were treated with imipenem 0·5g four times daily by intravenous infusion for 6·3±1·6 (S.D.) days. Forty-six respiratory pathogens were cultured from 36 patients including 18 Haernophilus influenzae, 6 H. parainfluenzae, 6 Streptococcus pneurnoniae, 8 Pseudomona aeruginosa. and 6 Branhamella catarrhalis. Forty-three of the 46 isolates were sensitive to imipenem, 28 to ampicillin, 33 to tetracycline and 35 to cotrimoxazole. Thirty-eight of the 40 patients improved clinically, and 34 of the 36 patients with positive sputum culture had no pathogens in their sputum after treatment. Twenty patients developed minor phlebitis at the infusion site but there were few other side effects. Imipenem may prove useful in the treatment of chest infections, particularly when the organism is resistant to conventional antibiotics.