Relativistic superdense matter in cold systems: Applications

The fully relativistic model of the strong interactions between hypersons, described in the preceding paper, is used to investigate the properties of superdense matter. This model can be solved exactly, and the low-temperature limit applied directly to construct neutron star models. Our results lead to a significantly higher mass stability limit (Mmax=2.39M) which has far-reaching implications for black-hole astrophysics. It also yields moments of inertia well above the observational lower bounds for pulsars. The model predicts a phase transition which includes nuclear densities, and which has significant implications for the detailed structure of neutron stars. Despite the low central densities found for stable masses (εc2×1015 g/cm3) all members of the first SU(3)-symmetric octet except the Ξ enter as stable constituents. In addition, quarks may be used as fundamental constituents for a species of superdense matter applicable to models of the hypersons. Our results indicate that this approach may be fruitful in explaining such phenomena as precocious scaling and quark confinement.