Iodoaromatic compounds are useful synthetic reagents for fine organic synthesis. Advances in the synthesis of aromatic iodo derivatives of various classes by the Sandmeyer reaction, direct iodination, iododethallation, and other methods are examined. Data concerning the synthesis of polyiodoarenes are also presented. This review concentrates on synthetically useful reactions, reported mainly from 1965 through 1985. 1. Introduction 2. Mononuclear Aromatic Compounds 2.1. Benzene and its Derivatives 2.2. Sandmeyer Reaction 2.3. Direct Iodination 2.4. Iododethallation 2.5. Synthesis of Polyiodoarenes 2.6. Miscellaneous Methods 3. Phenols and Primary Aromatic Amines 3.1. Iodination of Phenols 3.2. Iodination of Amines 3.3. Selective ortho-Iodination 4. Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds 4.1. Direct Iodination 4.2. Miscellaneous Methods 5. Conclusion