Generation of a computer library for discrete ordinates quadrature sets. [DOQDP]

Although various discrete-ordinates quadrature sets are in general use, there exists a need for a standard collection supported by documentation of their origin and derivation. This report attempts to provide this documentation for most of the commonly used sets. Instructions for using DOQDP--the computer code used to generate these quadratures--is provided. A library (in standard interface format) containing many of the quadratures was generated and is documented in this report. Finally, a listing of the fully symmetric, half-symmetric, and several biased sets is provided for XY, RZ, and R THETA geometries. Part I of the report describes the DOQDP code and the generation of S2-S16 fully symmetric quadratures. Part II describes the generation of S4-S10 half-symmetric and several biased sets, as well as a discussion of the quadrature library. 2 figures, 1 table.

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