Synthesis of specific diastereomers of a DNA methylphosphonate heptamer, d(CpCpApApApCpA), and stability of base pairing with the normal DNA octamer d(TpGpTpTpTpGpGpC)

DNA methylphosphonates are candidate derivatives for use in antisense DNA therapy. Their efficacy is limited by weak hybridization. One hypothesis to explain this phenomenon holds that one configuration of the chiral methylphosphonate linkage, Rp, permits stronger base pairing than the other configuration, Sp. To test this hypothesis, four specific pairs of Rp and Sp diastereomers of the DNA methylphosphonate heptamer d(CpCpApApApCpA) were prepared by block coupling of different combinations of individual diastereomers of d(CpCpApA) and d(ApCpA). Each pair of the diastereomers of the heptamer was separated into individual diastereomes using affinity chromatography on a Lichrosorb-NH2 silica column with a covalently attached complementary normal DNA octamer, d(pTpGpTpTpTpGpGpC). The stabilities of complementary complexes of phosphodiester d(TpGpTpTpTpGpGpC) with 8 individual diastereomers of methylphosphonate d(CpCpApApApCpA) were studied by measuring their melting temperatures (Tm). A direct correlation of Tm values with the number of Rp methylphosphonate centers in the heptamer was found: the more Rp centers, the higher the stability of the complex. Tm values for the diastereomers with 6 all-Rp or all-Sp methylphosphonate centers were found to be 30.5 degrees and 12.5 degrees C, respectively, in 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM Na2HPO4, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.0 with 15 microM of each oligomer. On the average, each substitution of one Rp-center to an Sp-center in the heptamer decreased the Tm by 3 degrees C. Under the same conditions, the Tm of the normal DNA heptamer with its complement was 21 degrees C. These results are consistent with the model that all-Rp methylphosphonate DNAs hybridize much more tightly to complementary normal DNA than do racemic methylphosphonate DNAs, and may therefore exhibit greater potency as antisense inhibitors.