Marisa cornuarietis (Gastropoda, prosobranchia): a potential TBT bioindicator for freshwater environments

The ramshorn snail Marisa cornuarietis (L., 1767) exhibits imposex (occurrence of male parts in addition to the female genital duct) under the influence of TBT (tributyltin) in laboratory experiments and accumulates this biocide in a time-and concentration-dependent manner. A comparison of BCF (bioconcentration factors) demonstrates that this limnic species accumulates more TBT than marine species. Evidence is given that TBT causes hormonal disorders which are responsible for imposex development. The testosterone/oestradiol quotient reflects the imposex development which can be described by a classification scheme differentiating four stages in Marisa cornuarietis. In the background of the constantly increasing organotin concentration in the limnic environment Marisa cornuarietis could be a well-suited bioindicator for TBT pollution. No other limnic species with a lower threshold concentration for measurable TBT effects is reported within the literature.

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