Coping, stress, and social resources among adults with unipolar depression.

Used a stress and coping paradigm to guide the development of indices of coping responses and to explore the roles of stress, social resources, and coping among 424 men and women (mean age 40.7 yrs) entering treatment for depression. An expanded concept of multiple domains of life stress was used to develop several indices of ongoing life strains. A variety of measures were obtained from Ss, family members, and treatment staff. Two questionnaires completed by Ss included the Health and Daily Living Form and the Work Environment Scale. Although most prior studies have focused on acute life events, results of the present study show that chronic strains were somewhat more strongly and consistently related to the severity of dysfunction. The coping indices generally showed acceptable conceptual and psychometric characteristics and only moderate relationships to Ss' sociodemographic characteristics or to the severity of the stressful event for which coping was sampled. Coping responses directed toward problem solving and affective regulation were associated with less severe dysfunction, whereas emotional-discharge responses, more frequently used by women, were linked to greater dysfunction. Stressors, social resources, and coping were additively predictive of an S's functioning, but coping and social resources did not have stress-attenuation or buffering effects. (72 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)