In previous papers 1, 2 the potential distribution was calculated in ion slit lens systems, consisting of three slits in three parallel electrodes and satisfying certain conditions concerning their shape. In the present paper the computing methods are generalized to slit systems of an arbitrary number of electrodes, with as the only restriction, that slits broader than the distances to neighbouring slits are separated by slits, narrower than the respective distance, and that a pair of electrodes with a mutual distance smaller than their slit widths are separated from the neighbouring slits by distances greater than the respective slit widths. For slit systems, satisfying this condition the parameters are computed, necessary to perform the SCHWARZ-CHRISTOFFEL transformation. Formulae are given to compute the potential distribution and field strength. In a typical example the potential distribution and field strength are computed in the region around two parallel electrodes with broad slits compared with the distance between the electrodes.