Quantitative Analysis of Benzene by Selected Ion Monitoring/Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

A selected ion monitoring gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric method for the quantitative determination of benzene in air, breath, and blood was developed utilizing a headspace assay with benzene-d3 as an internal standard. Limits of detection for 2 ng/mL in blood and 0.1 ppb in a 5-L sample of air or breath were attained. The influence of contamination by background benzene on the analytical process was studied carefully. For cases where background contamination could not be adequately controlled, the assay was modified for the quantitative determination of labelled benzenes six mass units heavier than natural benzene (benzene-d6 or benzene-13C6). Use of the method for the analysis of natural benzene was illustrated for the measurement of background levels in urban smokers and nonsmokers.