A nonisometric kinetic model for smooth muscle

We have modeled the nonisometric contractile dynamics of smooth muscle by modifying a four-state model of actin and myosin bonds originally proposed by Hai and Murphy to simulate the isometric contractions of vertebrate smooth muscle. The model includes a latch bridge, which cycles more slowly than regular cross bridges. We generalized this model to represent the calcium-regulated processes of vertebrate and invertebrate smooth muscles. We added length dynamics by assuming length-dependent bonding and unbonding rates for the cross bridges. The calculation of the cross-bridge length distribution was simplified by assuming a Gaussian distribution, as first done by Zahalak for skeletal muscle. To test the performance of this model, we simulated isometric and nonisometric responses of different kinds of smooth muscle, including vascular smooth muscle, airway smooth muscle, molluscan catch muscle (anterior byssus retractor muscle), and Aplysia I(2) muscle. The model captures the economical force maintenance property at the later stages of isometric muscle contraction and responses to imposed lengthening and shortening movements.