Adenovirus Respiratory Infection in Turkey Poults

A virus [CUA-2] from turkey poults with respiratory signs was isolated in specific-pathogen-free embryonated chicken eggs and subsequently adapted to chicken embryo fibroblast [CEF] and turkey kidney [TK] cell cultures, where round cell formation was observed. The cloned virus was ether-resistant and incorporated [3H] thymidine. Intranuclear icosahedral virus particles of 80 nm were detected. These physicochemical characteristics place this isolant into the adenovirus group. The disease was experimentally reproduced by intratracheal inoculation of 1 day old turkey poults. Snicking occured in 100% of the birds and mortality reached 50%. CELO [chick embryo lethal orphan virus] (Phelps strain) antiserum neutralized uncloned and cloned CUA-2 in chicken embryos and uncloned virus in CEF. Quail bronchitis virus antiserum neutralized cloned CUA-2 in TK cells. Agar-gel precipitin lines of identity were formed using CELO antiserum and postinoculation sera from experimentally infected turkeys. Serologically, this virus should be classified as a type-1 adenovirus.