The metabolic response to glucagon and glucagon‐(1‐21)‐peptide in normal subjects and non insulin dependent diabetics.

The metabolic effects of glucagon leading to hyperglycaemia are well recognised. However, the spasmolytic properties of glucagon have only relatively recently been utilised in clinical medicine. The marked hyperglycaemia accompanying the smooth muscle relaxant action of glucagon has led to the development of smaller peptides derived from glucagon which may retain the spasmolytic effects without the metabolic consequences. This study compares the metabolic and hormonal response to one such peptide, glucagon‐(1‐21)‐peptide, with the parent peptide glucagon. The results demonstrate that glucagon‐(1‐21)‐peptide has no metabolic effects comparable to glucagon. In normal subjects and non‐ insulin dependent diabetics, glucagon‐(1‐21)‐peptide has no stimulatory effect on the pancreatic beta‐cell.