Specific Increase in Renal αl-Adrenergic Receptors Following Unilateral Renal Denervation

The effect of unilateral surgical renal denervation on adrenergic receptors in rat kidney was investigated. Denervation was performed by mechanically stripping the nerves from the renal artery and then painting with phenol. This procedure resulted in a decrease in norepinephrine content to less than 10% of the contralateral kidney. The concentrations of α1-, α2-, ß1-and ß2-adrenergic receptors were measured in both kidneys of rats 1 week following left renal denervation. Alpha 1-receptor concentrations increased in the denervated left kidneys relative to the intact right kidneys. Alpha 2-, ß1- and ß2-receptor concentrations were not different between left and right kidneys. These results indicate that the different classes of adrenergic receptor in the kidney are differentially regulated by agonist stimulation.