Polymer decoration study in chain folding behavior of solution‐grown poly(ethylene oxide) crystals

The polymer decoration method based on the vaporization and condensation‐crystallization of polyethylene (PE) upon the fold surface of polymer crystals has been widely used to study the chain folding behavior of the crystals. When this method was utilized to study solution‐grown high molecular weight poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO) lamellar crystals, the highly anisotropic, low molecular weight fragment PE decorated become oriented parallel to the fold direction and form rods, which can be observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron diffraction (ED). The growth sectors were clearly observed. From the ED patterns the {200} planes of the orthorhombic low molecular weight PE rod crystals can be observed, and the c‐axis of these crystals is aligned parallel to the {120} growth planes of the PEO crystals. The decoration results indicate that the major fold orientation of high molecular weight PEO single crystals grown from dilute solution is along the {120} planes. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.