Inhibition of Labyrinthine Nystagmus by Visual Fixation: Effects of Ablation of Visual Cortex and Superior Colliculi

A study was conducted to destroy two specific areas of the cat's visual system in order to determine if these lesions would affect the visual inhibition of calorically-induced vestibular nystagmus. The occipital visual cortex was removed in eight cats and the superior colliculi were removed bilaterally in nine cats. Postoperative vestibular testing revealed no significant change in the electronystagmography tracings and response to visual fixation. These findings suggest that, in cats, the visual inhibition of labyrinthine nystagmus is not dependent upon the integrity of the visual cortex or superior colliculi. The hypothesis is brought forward that the visual inhibition of the vestibular nystagmus is merely a reflex of the brain stem to light stimulus, mediated via the cerebellum.