Pheromone-Like Substances Affecting the Oviposition Behavior of the Female Cigarette Beetle, Lasioderma serricorne : (F.) (Coleoptera : Anobiidae)

The presence of a pheromone-like substance regulating the ovipositional behavior in the cigarette bettle, Lasioderma serricorne (F.) was shown. When small tobacco-disc-composites were arranged at 36 sites in a petri dish (12 cm diam), a gravid female laid her eggs one by one on each disc-composite uniformly. In the two-choice test using a previously female-conditioned disc and an unconditioned fresh disc, the number of eggs on the conditioned disc was significantly small, whereas the number on a male-conditioned disc or an unconditioned disc was relatively large. Some of the fractions chromatographically obtained from the body extract of cigarette beetles were shown to have a strongly inhibiting activity for ovipositional response. It was confirmed that beetles recognize certain-oviposition inhibiting chemicals with their antennae.