It is shown that there occur dispersion and absorption of sound owing to chemical reaction in a liquid which is in general chemical equilibrium aA+bB+···[open phi]qQ+rR+···. From the acoustic characteristic equation, the velocity and the absorption coefficient of sound are derived, and the characteristics of the dispersion and absorption curves are examined. The velocity and the absorption coefficient of sound in liquid are derived in terms of the density, the static isothermal compressibility, the thermal expansion coefficient, the partial molar volume, the equilibrium constant, that is, the composition, the reaction heat at constant volume, the molar heat at constant volume, and the rate constant of chemical reaction. By measuring the velocity and the absorption of sound, it is possible to determine the rate constant of chemical reaction, the reaction heat, and the volume change. The application to solutions, especially to electrolyte solutions is shown, and in this case the activity coefficients may be used. As special cases, chemical reactions which are not accompanied by reaction heat or volume change are treated, and the results of Freedman and Manes are compared with the present one, and the differences are pointed out. Several examples of the general formulas are shown. Since it is easy to increase the frequency of sound, the method of measuring the velocity and the absorption coefficient of sound is adequate for determining the rate of a very fast reaction in the equilibrium state.

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