A simple method for the determination of solvents retained in plastic films and laminates

A simple method is described for the determination of solvents retained in polymer films and laminates as a result of the application of inks, coatings or adhesives. A sample of the film or laminate is heated, together with a known amount of a suitable solvent as an internal standard, in a simple modified Kilner jar. After a period of heating in an oven the atmosphere in the headspace of the jar is analysed by gas chromatography with a flameionisation detector. Results given show the precision of the method and its application to actual samples. Replicate analyses on similar samples show a standard deviation of 5 per cent. of the mean value for each solvent determined. The method is currently used in the authors' laboratories for analysing samples containing retained solvents at levels between 1 and 300 mg m–2.

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