From the beginning of pro-oestrus to the end of metoestrus, daily peripheral blood samples were withdrawn from six bitches. Further samples were obtained during anoestrus. Oestrogen values rose from the onset of pro-oestrus to attain a peak value of 25-3 +/- 4-8 pg/ml on Day 1 of oestrus. Progesterone concentrations began to rise 2 days before the oestrogen peak, and reached their highest levels of 18-9 +/- 1-0 ng/ml 16 days after the end of oestrus. After oestrus, an oestrogen rise was detected which reached a peak at Day 18 of metoestrus. The duration of oestrus was unrelated to the length of time that oestrogen levels were raised, or the maximum values were attained. No significant oestrogen levels were detected during anoestrus.