Field observations in Israel on hypersensitivity in cattle, sheep and donkeys caused by Culicoides

SUMMARY Hypersensitive lesions in the skin of sheep, cattle and donkeys from various regions in Israel are described. No cause other than insect bites was found. The animals were free of ticks, lice, fleas and blackflies, and of all the prevailing insect groups; Culicoides spp were considered as the most probable cause of the hypersensitivity. Lesions on the legs and abdomen were attributed mainly to C obsoletus Melgen, C schultzel gp and C puncticollis Becker, and less to C Imicola Kieffer. Lesions on the back, flanks, neck and head were attributed mainly to C Imicola, less to C newsteadl Austen and rarely to C pullcaris Linnaeus.