Affect Cognizance and the Type a Behavior Pattern: Labeling, Cognitive Effort or Phenomenological Loss?

Forty-eight subjects were requested to remember three idiosyncratic emotion-laden memories (eliciting Anger, Anxiety and Contentment). Objective (change in tonic skin conductance) and subjective (rated success at achieving each emotion) measures of arousal were taken for each condition as well as subjectively rated use of cognitive content (verbal and visuospatial modes). An “Affect Cognizance Index” (group-calculated T-score for objective arousal minus group-calculated T-score for subjective arousal) correlated positively with a measure of Type A Behavior during Anxiety and Contentment but not Anger, with or without cognitive effort statistically controlled. However, cognitive content may influence affect cognizance independent of its relationship with the Type A syndrome. Those subjects reporting greater verbal content showed augmented experience of affect-induced arousal during Anger. Visuospatial content augmented subjective experience of affect-induced arousal during Contentment.