Glueball contribution toKL→2γ and its possible detection inDsdecay

Considering the ι(1460) to be the physical glueball G and to mix with η’, we then find the mixing angle to be restricted to 0.15>sinθ2>-0.43 from the data of π0,η,η’→2γ and the upper bound on ι(1460)→2γ. The transition matrix element for KLG0 (bare glueball) is also computed (and found to be comparable to that for KLπ0). These permit the glueball contribution to KL→2γ and & to be significant. Finally, for large mixing angles, the decay of Ds+ into a glueball is sizable, e.g., B(Ds+→ι(1460)π+) can be as large as 1%, and searches for glueballs in these decays are highly desirable.