The Effect of Pressure on Sigmatropic Rearrangements of Seven-Membered Conjugated Systems. [3,3] and [1,9] Sigmatropies

The kinetic features of the [1,9] sigmatropy (with 2-benzyloxy-3-bromotropone) and the [3,3] sigmatropy (with 2-allyloxytropone and 2-[(3-methyl-2-butenyl)oxy]tropone) were investigated under various pressures (1 to 1600 bar). The activation volume of [1,9] sigmatropy was of the same order as those of [1,5] sigmatropy of cyclopentadienes. The activation volume of [3,3] sigmatropy of more sterically-hindered substrate was more negative than that of the unhindered one.