Trypanosoma brucei-Induced Blockage of Expulsion of Echinostoma revolutum and of Homologous E. revolutum Resistance in Mice

Experiments were designed to study the effect of T. brucei on the expulsion of E. revolutum and on the development and maintenance of homologous E. revolutum resistance in the mouse. T. brucei given 3, 2 and 1 wk before and 1 wk after infection with E. revolutum completely inhibited the expulsion of the E. revolutum worm burden for a period of at least 6 wk following infection; T. brucei given 2 of 3 wk after infection with E. revolutum conferred a significant delay in the expulsion of the E. revolutum worm burden. T. brucei given 1 wk before and 1 wk after a primary E. revolutum-infection blocked completely the resistance of the mouse to a homologous E. revolutum challenge given 2 wk after the primary infection. A similar blockage of resistance to a homologous challenge was experienced by mice given T. brucei 3 wk after the primary E. revolutum infection and challenged following another 2 wk. The mechanisms underlying the T. brucei-induced interference with the expulsion of E. revolutum and with the development and maintenance of homologous E. revolutum resistance in mice are presumably immunologically mediated.