Influence of rain, tidal wetting and relative humidity on release of carbon dioxide by standing-dead salt-marsh plants

Dead parts of salt-marsh plants form a considerable fraction of their annual average standing crop. A microbial assemblage living on and in the standing-dead leaves and stems of Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus responds to saltwater, freshwater or water-vapor wetting by immediately beginning to release CO2. Water-saturated, standing-dead leaves and culms of S. alterniflora release CO2 at steady rates of as much as about 200 and 140 μg CO2−C·g-1 dry·h-1, respectively, at temperatures of 25–30°C, after an initial burst of higher rates. These CO2-release rates are within the range of maximal rates reported for decaying terrestrial litter, and are as high as most rates reported for S. alterniflora decaying under continuously wetted or submerged conditions.