Ultrasonic equation of state of rhenium

The elastic constants Cij of single-crystal Re and their pressure derivatives dCijdP, measured to 4.2 kbar at 25 °C, are, respectively; C11: 6177.3 and 8.65; C33: 6828.2 and 8.45; C13: 2055.7 and 2.98; C44: 1605.4 and 1.49; C66: 1714.1 and 1.56. The initial pressure derivative of the isothermal bulk modulus, KT=(KTP)P=0, calculated from the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximation, is 5.43, which is significantly larger than the previously reported value of 2.93 based on x-ray-diffraction data. The contributions to KT and KT from long-range Fermi energy and short-range ion-core repulsive interactions (KF and KSR, respectively) are evaluated by assuming the Born-Mayer potentials for the latter contribution. Using an empirical relationship between atomic volume and KT (Ks), it is found that the x-ray value for KT is probably too low. Evaluation of the Born-Mayer parameters leads to the conclusion that the short-range contribution, rather than the Fermi contribution, dominates KT, and shear moduli C44 and C66, and their pressure derivatives, whereas the Fermi energy is a major contributory factor in the case of shear modulus CH=(16)(C11+C12+2C334C13). The latter conclusion is strengthened by the nonlinearity of CH with respect to pressure, and by the anomalous variation of the superconducting temperature Tc with pressure, which effect is related to the change in Fermi-surface topology. The value of the Grüneisen-mode gamma γH for Re, calculated from the dCijdP, 1.83, which is significantly less than thermal gamma γth (2.39) at 300 °K.