Invertebrate neuropeptides resembling vasotocin and some analogues: Synthesis and pharmacological properties

The solid phase synthesis of three invertebrate vasopressin-oxytocin homologs: AVP-like factor, F1 1, ([Leu2, Thr4] AVT)2 isolated from subesophageal and thoracic ganglia ofLocusta migratoria 3, Arg-conopressin-S4. ([Ile2, Arg4] AVT), Lys-conopressin-G4 ([Phe2, Arg4] LVT), both isolated from the venom of fish-hunting marine snails of the genusConus and six of their analogues is reported. These analogues are: [Arg4] AVT, [Ile2] AVT, [Leu2] AVT, [Phe2, Arg4] AVT, [Arg4] LVT and [Ile2, Arg4] LVT. All peptides were tested for antidiuretic and vasopressor activities.

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