Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and clinical parameters in multiple sclerosis

In this study, the course of 60 consecutive multiple sclerosis patients (relapsing-remitting (RR), relapsing-progressive (RP), primary-progressive (PP)) was compared with the number and mean size of the lesions as well as the total load of the lesions as shown on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Significant differences were found between RR and RP patients in total load and number of lesions. Between RR and PP patients statistical significant differences were found in total load, number and size of the lesions when correlated with EDSS. Between RP and PP patients statistical differences were found in total load and size of the lesions on MRI. Patients with a relapsing course of the MS (RR or RP) had a higher total load and size of the lesions than PP patients. The total load, number and size of the lesions corrected for EDSS were also lower compared to relapsing patients. Factor analysis showed a correlation between clinical progression rate and progression rate of MRI abnormalities. No correlation between EDSS and total load of MRI lesions could be found. In conclusion, this study confirms the results of previous studies of differences between MRI scans of patients with a different course of MS.