Beta-Gamma Circular-Polarization Correlation and Nuclear Matrix Elements ofAs76

The βγ circular-polarization correlation Pγ for the 2.41-MeV β transition of As76 has been measured as an average value over the energy interval Eβ=1.4 to 2.0 MeV at an average angle θβγ=158. Previous experimental data, this new value for Pγ, and theoretical arguments are used to set limits on the nuclear matrix elements and to investigate the diagonality of the Coulomb Hamiltonian. The analysis shows that matrix elements which change the angular momentum by 0, 1, and 2 units all contribute with approximately equal strength to the transition. The matrix-element analysis indicates that the A3 term in Pγ is negligible compared to the A1 term. When A3 is set equal to zero, the experimental data give the following value for Pγ:Pγ(1.4 MeV<Eβ<2.0 MeV, θβγ=180)=0.105±0.02.