Light- and electron-microscopic study of electrophysiologically characterized neurons in the mediolateral part of the lateral septum of the guinea-pig

In slices of guinea-pig brains, 36 neurons located in the mediolateral part of the lateral septum were stained intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase (n=28) or biocytin (n=8) after electrophysiological characterization. These neurons belonged to class A neurons (n=23), which generated pronounced Ca++-dependent high-threshold spikes in control medium, or to class C neurons (n=9), which were recognized by the occurrence of small-amplitude sodic spikes followed by slower larger calcic spikes. The present results demonstrate that, despite the variety of individual cell types, the major morphological population (30/36 cells) was composed of a homogeneous class of large-sized neurons that displayed thick primary dendrites and abundant dendritic appendages. The remaining 6 cells were small-sized, poorly-spiny neurons. Somatic spines were observed on 5 out of the 30 large cells and on one out of the six smaller cells. Labeled axons were mainly oriented to the anterior commissure. The axons of nine cells richly collateralized near the perikaryon. Ultrastructural examination of 3 horseradish peroxidase-injected cells showed indented nuclei, classic organelles and somatic spines. Terminal boutons established symmetric synapses with the injected cells. These results describe the morphological features of electrophysiologically identified neurons and indicate that class A and class C neurons are distributed among morphological populations differing in perikaryal size. This suggests that the different electrical properties of class A and class C neurons reflect recordings from different parts of the neuron rather than from neurons of different types. Furthermore, the present findings demonstrate that, in the guinea-pig, electrical and morphological characteristics of somatospiny neurons are comparable with those of non-somatospiny neurons. Somatospiny neurons have a recognized integrative role in the hippocampo-septo-hypothalamic complex.

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