Detection and estimation of neural connectivity based on crosscorrelation analysis

Crosscorrelation analysis of simultaneously recorded activity of pairs of neurons is a common tool to infer functional neural connectivity. The adequacy of crosscorrelation procedures to detect and estimate neural connectivity has been investigated by means of computer simulations of small networks composed of fairly realistic modelneurons. If the mean interval of neural firings is much larger than the duration of postsynaptic potentials, which will be the case in many central brain areas excitatory connections are easier to detect than inhibitory ones. On the other hand, inhibitory connections are revealed better if the mean firing interval is much smaller than post-synaptic potential duration. In general the effects of external stimuli and the effects of neural connectivity do not add linearly. Furthermore, neurons may exhibit a certain degree of timelock to the stimulus. For these reasons the commonly applied “shift predictor” procedure to separate stimulus and neural effects appears to be of limited value. In case of parallel direct and indirect neural pathways between two neurons crosscorrelation analysis does not estimate the direct connection but instead an effective connectivity, which reflects the combined influences of the parallel pathways.