Variations in Surface Polymers of Streptococcus mutans

The cell wall composition of strains of S mutans with respect to sugars and proteins appears to be correlated to the serological grouping although groups c and E are rather similar. There also appear to be similarities in the structure of the polysaccharide formed by the glycosyltransferases from organisms of serological groups b and d. However, the activity of these enzymes appears to be variable in these groups. The most noteworthy difference found was that between the three Ingbritt strains. All three strains gave identical results with regard to their cell wall composition, and presumably this would mean that they were identical serologically. However, Ingbritt LH differed considerably from both the others in the types of polysaccharide formed by their glycosyltransferases from sucrose. Ingbritt B was a reisolate from monkeys, whereas Ingbritt LH was maintained in laboratory culture, and this may explain the difference. Clearly, more work will be required to explain this difference and as c strains are commonly isolated from plaque, it would seem desirable to clear up this point.