Plasma from Aged Stored Red Blood Cells Delays Neutrophil Apoptosis and Primes for Cytotoxicity: Abrogation by Poststorage Washing but Not Prestorage Leukoreduction

Blood transfusion—particularly that of older stored red blood cells (RBCs)—is an independent risk factor for postinjury multiple organ failure. Immunomodulatory effects of RBC transfusion include neutrophil (PMN) priming for cytotoxicity, an effect exacerbated by longer RBC storage times. We have found that delayed PMN apoptosis in trauma patients is provoked by transfusion, independent of injury severity. We hypothesized that aged stored RBCs delay PMN apoptosis, but that prestorage leukodepletion or poststorage washing could abrogate the effect. Healthy volunteers each donated 1 unit of blood. One half was leukodepleted, and RBC units were processed in the usual fashion and stored at 4°C. Aliquots were removed on days 1, 14, 21, and 42 and the plasma fraction isolated. Selected aliquots were washed with normal saline before plasma isolation. PMNs harvested from healthy controls were incubated (5% CO2, 37°C) with unmodified, leukoreduced, or washed RBC plasma (20% plasma/80% RPMI 1640), and apoptosis assessed by morphology after 24 hours. Apoptotic index (apoptotic PMNs/total PMNs) was compared. PMN priming for superoxide release was also assessed after plasma exposure. PMN apoptosis was delayed by RBCs stored for 21 or 42 days. Prestorage leukodepletion did not alter the effect. However, washing 42-day-old RBCs abrogated the effect. PMN priming for superoxide was provoked by stored packed RBCs in an identical pattern to delayed apoptosis. Plasma from stored RBCs—even if leukoreduced—delays apoptosis and primes PMNs. The effect becomes evident at 21 days and worsens through product outdate (42 days), but may be prevented by poststorage washing. Inflammatory agents contaminating stored blood likely mediate the effect. Modification of transfusion practices (e.g., giving fresher or washed RBCs or blood substitutes) may attenuate adverse immunomodulatory effects of transfusion in trauma patients.